Light fixtures and Light bulbs Established in 1978. Feit Electric has been the most innovative light bulb company in the world. Feit Electric has revolutionized the Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) market with innovations such as mini twists, ultra mini covered lamps, ICAT (Insulated Ceiling Airtight) approved recessed reflectors and weatherproof floodlights. Feit Electric is a proven leader in the industry. Our newest super-low mercury ECOBULB® CFLs shows our commitment to the industry and to the environment. Feit Electric is continuously seeking the next breakthrough, and we are currently advancing our LED product assortment with new Dimmable Performance LEDs and Accent LEDs. Feit Electric's research and development has also greatly improved incandescent lamp technology. Our ENHANCE® line of lamps offers color-corrected light at an economical price. New and innovative Halogen bulbs (chandelier, reflector and household) offer bright light in a familiar shape. Energy Saver Halogen lamps are also available.